“Women are not fragile, and they are not invincible.”
-Brianna Battles, CEO and Founder of Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism
Whether you are newly pregnant and want to begin a strength training routine or you have had a baby sometime in the past, I would love to support you with your goals and use my expertise to guide you. No more: “You can train however you were before you became pregnant.” or “After 6 weeks, you can get back to whatever you were doing before.”
Let’s work through your specific goals and your unique experience together. People who are pregnant or have been pregnant deserve better coaching.
Diastasis Recti
100% of people who become pregnant will experience this by full term and this is just one of the cool ways that our bodies adapt to create space for a growing baby. We can work together, with your health care team, to restore tension along the linea alba and regain strength and function of your core.
Incontinence Isn’t Inevitable
Though common, you have options in managing symptoms and regaining function so that you can get back to doing the things you love, worry-free. I would recommend seeing a Physical Therapist if you are experiencing incontinence and then we can work together with the rest of your health care team to build a plan to reach your goals.
And don’t worry, I have trusted referrals in physical therapy who specialize in pelvic floor health and pregnancy & postpartum.
Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Back Pain
We can use strength training as a tool to help mitigate symptoms and allow you to safely stay active while working with your healthcare team to resolve concerns. I can help you adjust the positioning of the load or intensity, the impact of a movement, practice different breathing techniques and adjust exercise selection to help you progressively reach your goals.
Recover, Rebuild Strength & Return to Activities You Love
I use a science-backed approach and my deep-seated belief that women are powerful creatures to collaborate with the individual to help them safely achieve their goals. We will work through the phases of recovery and training at your individual pace.
Need a Referral?
Check out Functional Phyzio, owned by Dr. Norah Whitten, in Durham, NC. She and her team offer: physical therapy, pelvic floor physical therapy, pregnancy & birth prep, stretching & recovery, dry needling, and wellness & preventive care.
You may even spot me there hosting a workshop or training clients!