Whether you are an experienced athlete, brand new to strength training or anywhere in between, I can help you learn technique, improve from, and get stronger using foundational resistance exercise principles. While I love working with athletes and helping them reach performance goals, I take much pride in being able to meet everyone where they are and I am most passionate about working with complete novices and intermediate. I know that lifting weights can be daunting for many people and my goal is to bridge the gap between no experience and a confident lifter with the self-efficacy to walk into any weight room or gym with their chin held high. 

Private Strength Training

Adults & Youth

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Completely new to strength training or need some guidance? Let’s get started.

Sport Specialization

Are you an athlete looking to increase sport performance? I will design and implement a program that will translate to your sport.

Peri- & Menopause

Are you among the growing population interested in incorporating strength training to mitigate symptoms and improve bone density and muscle mass? I will work with your specific needs, taking into consideration the hormonal shifts and other changes that are occurring.

Pregnant & Postpartum

Whether you are pregnant and want to begin a strength training routine or you have had a baby sometime in the past, I would love to support you with your goals and use my expertise to guide you.

Olympic Lifting

Want to learn the basics of key movements that help develop explosive power? I am competent in teaching beginner and intermediate Olympic lifts like barbell cleans.


Know your way around a weight room but need a professional to help take your training to the next level? Let’s get you to where you want to go.

My Principles

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    Foundational Movement Patterns

     Our bodies can only move in so many ways: squat, deadlift/hinge, push, pull, lunge, carry and rotation…everything else is some combination of these movement patterns. Once you learn the basics, you can safely do just about anything!

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    Strength Training Should Enhance Your Life

    Strength training is first a tool to help decrease the risk of injury and to enhance our acts of daily life and/or athletic performance.

    I believe it can also be enjoyable and fun in its own right.

  • More Than a Workout

    I believe that lifting weights is a physical manifestation and a celebration of the strength that we all inherently possess and magic happens when we are able to tap into that power.

  • Receive a personalized program from a Strength & Conditioning Specialist and 100% of my attention as I coach you through it. Sessions are 60 minutes for an $80 investment.

  • Rather train with a friend? You will each workout together and complete the same program with individualized adjustments as needed. You get to split the investment of $120 per 60 minute session however you like.

  • If you are interested in training in a group of 3-6, reach out for pricing and to book. Bring your own friends or meet new ones for a more affordable way to work with Coach Erinn.

  • Upon an initial assessment, receive a 4-8 week training plan. The investment is between $350-800 per month.
